Do I need to include ‘else’ and/or ‘endif’?

I realise this may be a generic php question, but as it’s related to WP I’m including it here.

If adding a simple conditional to my page.php template, do I need to include an ‘else’ (for other pages) and ‘endif’?

if (is_tree(39)) : get_template_part('templates/partial/menu-buy');
elseif (is_tree(117)) : get_template_part('templates/partial/menu-programs');

Other than an ’empty condition’ (don’t know if that’s the right word) I can’t see a way to include an ‘else’ for other pages.

My limited knowledge suggests it’s probably good practice to finish with ‘endif’, but I’ve seen conditionals written with/without an ‘endif’ and hence wonder whether it’s necessary.

UPDATE: Thanks to those who’ve answered, I now realise there’s two different forms of syntax:
PHP offers an alternative syntax for some of its control structures; namely, if, while, for, foreach, and switch. In each case, the basic form of the alternate syntax is to change the opening brace to a colon (:) and the closing brace to endif;, endwhile;, endfor;, endforeach;, or endswitch;, respectively.

3 Answers

You just need an else block:

//templating syntax
    //do stuff if $condOne is true
    //do stuff if $condOne is false and $condTwo is true
    //do stuff if both $condOne and $condTwo are false

//braces syntax
    //do stuff if $condOne is true
    //do stuff if $condOne is false and $condTwo is true
    //do stuff if both $condOne and $condTwo are false

Regarding “it’s probably good practice to finish with ‘endif'”, endif is only used when you are using the templating syntax:

    //do stuff

the alternative is regular braces syntax:

    //do stuff

The former is preferable when you are outputting html by dropping out of php with a closing php tag, because an endif is easier to match up than a closing brace:

<?php if($someCondition):?>

   <h1>Hello <?=$userName?>, how are you today?</h1>
   <?php foreach($someArray as $key => $value):?>
       <li><?=$key?> : <?=$value?></li>
   <?php endforeach;?>

<?php endif;?>


<?php if($someCondition){?>

   <h1>Hello <?=$userName?>, how are you today?</h1>
   <?php foreach($someArray as $key => $value){?>
       <li><?=$key?> : <?=$value?></li>
   <?php }?>

<?php }?>

However when writting code that does not drop out of php mode, the latter is far more common and arguable easier to read:



    foreach($someArray as $key => $value){

        $out[$username][] = $key . ' : ' . $value;



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