Dynamic Custom Post Type Plugin

I am trying to build my own lightweight plugin that will register Custom Post Types. The problem I am having is that I can create a post type but I can’t figure out how to save the previous post type and then create another one with each new entry.

function create_custom_post_type() {

if (isset($_POST['tme_post_type_singular'])) {
    update_option('tme_post_type_singular', $_POST['tme_post_type_singular']);
    $value = $_POST['tme_post_type_singular'];

$value = get_option('tme_post_type_singular', '');

if (isset($value)) {

    $custom_posts = array(
        "slug" => $value,
        "name" => $value . 's',
        "singular_name" => $value,
        "is_public" => true,
        "has_archive" => false,

    register_post_type( $value,
            'labels' => array(
                'name' => __( $custom_posts['name'] ),
                'singular_name' => __( $custom_posts['singular_name'] )
        'public' => true,
        'has_archive' => true,


add_action( 'init', 'create_custom_post_type' );

How can change this code to allow me to create more than one post type every time I input new entries?

1 Answer

Instead of saving the CPT in the options table, try using register_post_type immediately when you submit the form, then display a success confirmation plus the empty form again. This will have two benefits – one being you’re not bloating the options table, the other being that you’ll immediately register the CPT and be able to submit the form with the next CPT immediately.

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