Is there a typedef equivalent in C#, or someway to get some sort of similar behaviour? I’ve done some googling, but everywhere I look seems to be negative. Currently I have a situation similar to the following:

class GenericClass<T> 
    public event EventHandler<EventData> MyEvent;
    public class EventData : EventArgs { /* snip */ }
    // ... snip

Now, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that this can very quickly lead to a lot of typing (apologies for the horrible pun) when trying to implement a handler for that event. It’d end up being something like this:

GenericClass<int> gcInt = new GenericClass<int>;
gcInt.MyEvent += new EventHandler<GenericClass<int>.EventData>(gcInt_MyEvent);
// ...

private void gcInt_MyEvent(object sender, GenericClass<int>.EventData e)
    throw new NotImplementedException();

Except, in my case, I was already using a complex type, not just an int. It’d be nice if it were possible to simplify this a little…

Edit: ie. perhaps typedefing the EventHandler instead of needing to redefine it to get similar behaviour.

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