File and directory permissions

I installed latest WordPress 3.5 in my CentOS server. When I tried accessing, I received a listing of the directory: (Index of wp-includes).

I added the following code at the top of .htaccess file, and it fixed the issue:

Options -Indexes
IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*

My problem

When I try accessing PHP files in wp-includes and wp-content using a web-browser (for example:, it shows a blank screen. I think it should show “Permission denied” or something like this. Am I correct?

How can I achieve this? I’m concerned if my website is vulnerable to attacks. I am already aware of the Hardening WordPress article.

Here are my directory and file permissions:

  • wp-admin: 755
  • wp-content: 755
  • wp-includes: 755
  • Files have permission 644

2 s

The PHP files in the wp-includes directory will do nothing when accessed directly. They are designed to be include()‘d in an existing PHP script, such as on the front-end or in the dashboard.

Your Options -Indexes entry in the .htaccess file simply prevents a list of the files in a directory when no index.php is present. It’s good practice to use this on a live server. I’m not entirely sure what the second line does; you should most likely remove it.

If you’re especially concerned about people attacking your server, you can prevent access to the wp-includes directory completely. To do this, create a .htaccess file inside the wp-includes folder with the following content:

Deny from all

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