I’m trying to do a string replacement using gettext
filter (source):
function theme_change_comments_label( $translated_text, $untranslated_text, $domain ) {
if( stripos( $untranslated_text, 'comment' !== FALSE ) ) {
$translated_text = str_ireplace( 'Comment', 'Review', $untranslated_text ) ;
return $translated_text;
is_admin() && add_filter( 'gettext', 'theme_change_comments_label', 99, 3 );
I want it to work only on a specific Post Type (in admin). So I tried get_current_screen()
within the function:
function theme_change_comments_label( $translated_text, $untranslated_text, $domain ) {
$screen = get_current_screen();
if( $screen->post_type == 'mycpt' ) {
if( stripos( $untranslated_text, 'comment' !== FALSE ) ) {
$translated_text = str_ireplace( 'Comment', 'Review', $untranslated_text ) ;
return $translated_text;
is_admin() && add_filter( 'gettext', 'theme_change_comments_label', 99, 3 );
But I’m getting error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function
With several testing I understood, gettext
is not the correct filter to trigger the get_current_screen()
Then how could I do that, specific to my custom post type only?