Git branch strategy for small dev team [closed]

We have a web app that we update and release almost daily. We use git as our VCS, and our current branching strategy is very simple and broken: we have a master branch and we check changes that we ‘feel good about’ into it. This works, but only until we check in a breaking change.

Does anyone have a favorite git branch strategy for small teams which meets the following requirements:

  1. Works well for teams of 2 to 3 developers
  2. Lightweight, and not too much process
  3. Allows devs to isolate work on bug fixes and larger features with ease
  4. Allows us to keep a stable branch (for those ‘oh crap’ moments when we have to get our production servers working)

Ideally, I’d love to see your step-by-step process for a dev working on a new bug

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