How can I display a menu on certain pages only?

Instead of using sidebar widgets to tell on what page they should be visible, I like to choose at the menu settings to appear on specific pages.

Default WordPress way:

How it looks default

So projects is a page and has some subpages. But what if I have like 10 more of these pages and subpages with the same situation.

I would like to add an extra setting (a list of the top level pages):

Where I want the setting

But I cannot find any documentation, actions, filters etc when these settings are loaded.

7 s

That’s a nice option, but I agree with sri, right now it really depends on your theme.
You can do a work-around through is_page(). You need to write something like this on your page.php theme file:

    if (is_page('projects')) {
        if ( is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar-navigation' )) {
            dynamic_sidebar( 'sidebar-navigation' );

If you want to show the sidebar on other pages as well, you can use logic or like this:

if (is_page('projects') || is_page('home') || is_page('post-page'))

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