How can I hide the sidebar from a specific post?

I’d like to hide the sidebar on a specific post (not page). How can I do this?

For background, I’ve searched quite a bit both on Google and here. I’m finding lots of solutions for showing different sidebars on posts vs. pages, or for showing (or hiding) a specific sidebar on a specific page, but nothing that’s about hiding the sidebar from a single specific post.

7 Answers

Here’s an idea I mentioned on Twitter.

function special_post_template( $template ) {
  // Identify a single query for the special post
  if ( is_single() && 10 == get_the_ID() )
    $template = get_template_directory() . '/special-single.php';

  return $template;

add_filter( 'template_include', 'special_post_template' );

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