How can I just get content inside a shortcode or just outside

Suppose I have content like

Here is some content in xxx 

Here is content outside xxx ...

Can I somehow just get

  1. content inside [xxx] ONLY
  2. content outside [xxx] ONLY

1 Answer

Depends on the shortcode. If you have access to the shortcode’s handler function, that function’s second argument is the content inside the shortcode:

function wpse20136_shortcode( $atts, $content ){
  // $content has the content inside xxx

register_shortcode( 'xxx', 'wpse20136_shortcode' );

For getting all content not in shortcodes, that’s easy. strip_shortcodes() does that:

strip_shortcodes( get_the_content() );

for example, will give you the content of the current post with only the content not inside shortcodes.

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