I want to test that one of my ES6 modules calls another ES6 module in a particular way. With Jasmine this is super easy —

The application code:

// myModule.js
import dependency from './dependency';

export default (x) => {
  dependency.doSomething(x * 2);

And the test code:

import myModule from '../myModule';
import dependency from '../dependency';

describe('myModule', () => {
  it('calls the dependency with double the input', () => {
    spyOn(dependency, 'doSomething');



What’s the equivalent with Jest? I feel like this is such a simple thing to want to do, but I’ve been tearing my hair out trying to figure it out.

The closest I’ve come is by replacing the imports with requires, and moving them inside the tests/functions. Neither of which are things I want to do.

// myModule.js
export default (x) => {
  const dependency = require('./dependency'); // Yuck
  dependency.doSomething(x * 2);

describe('myModule', () => {
  it('calls the dependency with double the input', () => {


    const dependency = require('../dependency'); // Also yuck

For bonus points, I’d love to make the whole thing work when the function inside dependency.js is a default export. However, I know that spying on default exports doesn’t work in Jasmine (or at least I could never get it to work), so I’m not holding out hope that it’s possible in Jest either.

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