How can I remove css from a child theme?

I am using the theme twentyten as a parent theme for my child theme. I have other stylesheets I want to use and so I’m trying to figure out how to wp_deregister_style for the style.css sheet that is printed out in the head section of the html.

I have checked the global $wp_styles variable around the shutdown hook and I see the other styles but not style.css – how can I get my child theme to stop using it?

I realize the theme name and info has to be stored here – I don’t want to delete it, I just don’t want it to be enqueued

2 Answers

Twentyten has a header.php file which has the style.css hardcoded into it:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php bloginfo("stylesheet_url' ); ?>" />

There is no way to wp_dequeue_style because it is never “loaded” with wp_enqueue_style in the first place.

To get that out of the header you’ll need to edit the twentyten theme (bad idea) or copy the header.php file over to your child theme so that it will override the original one and edit the file there (better idea), or as you mentioned, use a different base theme which does not have the style.css file hard coded into the header.php file, or if you will be using another stylesheet, use add_filter() to override what stylesheet_uri() returns with the new file (best idea).


Usage: <?php get_stylesheet_uri() ?>

  • Uses: apply_filters() Calls ‘stylesheet_uri’ filter on stylesheet URI path and stylesheet directory URI.
  • Uses: get_stylesheet_directory_uri()


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