How can I return pivot table output in MySQL?

If I have a MySQL table looking something like this:

company_name    action  pagecount
Company A       PRINT   3
Company A       PRINT   2
Company A       PRINT   3
Company B       EMAIL   
Company B       PRINT   2
Company B       PRINT   2
Company B       PRINT   1
Company A       PRINT   3

Is it possible to run a MySQL query to get output like this:

company_name    EMAIL   PRINT 1 pages   PRINT 2 pages   PRINT 3 pages
CompanyA        0       0               1               3
CompanyB        1       1               2               0

The idea is that pagecount can vary so the output column amount should reflect that, one column for each action/pagecount pair and then number of hits per company_name. I’m not sure if this is called a pivot table but someone suggested that?

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