I would like to return two values from a function in two separate variables.
For example:

def select_choice():
    loop = 1
    row = 0
    while loop == 1:
        print('''Choose from the following options?:
                 1. Row 1
                 2. Row 2
                 3. Row 3''')

        row = int(input("Which row would you like to move the card from?: "))
        if row == 1:
            i = 2
            card = list_a[-1]
        elif row == 2:
            i = 1
            card = list_b[-1]
        elif row == 3:
            i = 0
            card = list_c[-1]
        return i
        return card

And I want to be able to use these values separately. When I tried to use return i, card, it returns a tuple and this is not what I want.

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