I’m trying out Git on Windows. I got to the point of trying “git commit” and I got this error:

Terminal is dumb but no VISUAL nor
EDITOR defined. Please supply the
message using either -m or -F option.

So I figured out I need to have an environment variable called EDITOR. No problem. I set it to point to Notepad. That worked, almost. The default commit message opens in Notepad. But Notepad doesn’t support bare line feeds. I went out and got Notepad++, but I can’t figure out how to get Notepad++ set up as the %EDITOR% in such a way that it works with Git as expected.

I’m not married to Notepad++. At this point I don’t mind what editor I use. I just want to be able to type commit messages in an editor rather than the command line (with -m).

Those of you using Git on Windows: What tool do you use to edit your commit messages, and what did you have to do to make it work?

36 s

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