Related to my How do I create a custom post type for a training CMS in WordPress? question, I would like to know how I can create a private comments section for a custom post type (or any post type for that matter, if possible), where these comments are only visible to their author. I am working on a training CMS and students should be able to make private study notes on the training content pages as they work through them.

2 Answers

Comments have an associated author to them.

In a section called “Private Comments” – Query for all comments belonging to the current post where wp_comments->comment_author_email equals the email of the current user.

Checkout the wp_comments table. It has 15 or so fields you can filter when displaying comments.

The code would look something like this:

 $comment_array = get_approved_comments($post->ID);

 $current_user = wp_get_current_user();

   foreach($comment_array as $comment){
      if ($comment->comment_author_email == $current_user->user_email) {
              echo $comment->comment_content ;


You loop through the list of comments for the current post and filter by author email.

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