I would like to create an Angular 2 SPA that uses the WordPress REST API as a back-end. How can I use the API to fetch the page the user has set as their front page?

4 s

We could implement our own endpoint:


Here’s a simple demo (PHP 5.4+):

 * Plugin Name: WPSE - Static Frontpage Rest Endpoint
namespace WPSE\RestAPI\Frontpage;

\add_action( 'rest_api_init', function()
    \register_rest_route( 'wpse/v1', '/frontpage/', 
            'methods'   => 'GET',
            'callback'  => __NAMESPACE__.'\rest_results'
} );

function rest_results( $request )
    // Get the ID of the static frontpage. If not set it's 0
    $pid  = (int) \get_option( 'page_on_front' );    

    // Get the corresponding post object (let's show our intention explicitly)
    $post = ( $pid > 0 ) ? \get_post( $pid ) : null;  

    // No static frontpage is set
    if( ! is_a( $post, '\WP_Post' ) )
        return new \WP_Error( 'wpse-error', 
           \esc_html__( 'No Static Frontpage', 'wpse' ), [ 'status' => 404 ] );

    // Response setup
    $data = [
        'ID'      => $post->ID,
        'content' => [ 'raw' => $post->post_content ]

    return new \WP_REST_Response( $data, 200 );     

A successful response is like:

{"ID":123,"content":{"raw":"Some content"}}

and an error response is like:

{"code":"wpse-error","message":"No Static Frontpage","data":{"status":404}}

Then we can extend it to support other fields or rendered content by applying the the_content filter.

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