I know how to remove items from the left nav bar (hook into admin_menu
and do global $menu; unset( $menu[ __( "Posts" ) ] );
for example). But it still shows a left nav bar (with nothing on it). I want the entire left nav bar gone.
I have tried this and it doesn’t work:
//This doesn't work (in any hook, or plugin constructor)
//This also doesn't work
add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false');
What is the hook/function to do this?
You could creatively use output caching to capture the adminbar and then discard it like so:
// this filter runs in menu-header.php L37 right before the admin menu is rendered
add_filter( 'parent_file', function( $parent_file ){
return $parent_file;
} );
// runs after the output
add_action( 'in_admin_header', function(){
ob_clean(); // discard output
echo '<div id="wpcontent">';
} );
Please do not actually consider using this in any production environment. It does not provide any security and it might break various things (for example the admin toolbar). I consider this an educational answer to the problem “how to use PHP output caching and WP filters to move remove stuff?”. You are probably better off just using CSS.