How do you catch this exception?

This code is in django/db/models/ It creates/defines an exception?

class ReverseSingleRelatedObjectDescriptor(six.with_metaclass(RenameRelatedObjectDescriptorMethods)):
    # This class provides the functionality that makes the related-object
    # managers available as attributes on a model class, for fields that have
    # a single "remote" value, on the class that defines the related field.
    # In the example "choice.poll", the poll attribute is a
    # ReverseSingleRelatedObjectDescriptor instance.
    def __init__(self, field_with_rel):
        self.field = field_with_rel
        self.cache_name = self.field.get_cache_name()

    def RelatedObjectDoesNotExist(self):
        # The exception can't be created at initialization time since the
        # related model might not be resolved yet; `` might still be
        # a string model reference.
        return type(
            (, AttributeError),

This is in django/db/models/fields/ it raises the said exception above:

def __get__(self, instance, instance_type=None):
    if instance is None:
        return self
        rel_obj = getattr(instance, self.cache_name)
    except AttributeError:
        val = self.field.get_local_related_value(instance)
        if None in val:
            rel_obj = None
            params = dict(
                (rh_field.attname, getattr(instance, lh_field.attname))
                for lh_field, rh_field in self.field.related_fields)
            qs = self.get_queryset(instance=instance)
            extra_filter = self.field.get_extra_descriptor_filter(instance)
            if isinstance(extra_filter, dict):
                qs = qs.filter(**params)
                qs = qs.filter(extra_filter, **params)
            # Assuming the database enforces foreign keys, this won't fail.
            rel_obj = qs.get()
            if not self.field.rel.multiple:
                setattr(rel_obj, self.field.related.get_cache_name(), instance)
        setattr(instance, self.cache_name, rel_obj)
    if rel_obj is None and not self.field.null:
        raise self.RelatedObjectDoesNotExist(
            "%s has no %s." % (self.field.model.__name__,
        return rel_obj

The problem is that this code:

        val = getattr(obj, attr_name)
    except related.ReverseSingleRelatedObjectDescriptor.RelatedObjectDoesNotExist:
        val = None  # Does not catch the thrown exception
    except Exception as foo:
        print type(foo)  # Catches here, not above

won’t catch that exception

>>>print type(foo)
<class 'django.db.models.fields.related.RelatedObjectDoesNotExist'>
>>>isinstance(foo, related.FieldDoesNotExist)


except related.RelatedObjectDoesNotExist:

Raises an AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'RelatedObjectDoesNotExist'

>>>isinstance(foo, related.ReverseSingleRelatedObjectDescriptor.RelatedObjectDoesNotExist)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <fragment>
TypeError: isinstance() arg 2 must be a class, type, or tuple of classes and types

which is probably why.

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