How do you get formatted content of a post using the WordPress API?

I tried using

$my_id = 7;
$post_id_7 = get_post($my_id); 
echo $post_id_7->post_content;

based on the documentation here.

The article I’m trying to retrieve has Short Code, which is picked up by a plugin on my site, and then formatted into HTML.

The problem is when I output the post_content to the site, the short code isn’t picked up by the plugin, and I effectively just write out the short code straight to the browser.

Is there a way to get the short code evaluated properly? Or am I using the wrong function?


Post’s object field contains raw content as it is stored in database. This should format it to how it appears when retrieved with template tags:

$content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);

This filters runs number of formatting functions, including shortcodes parsing. Something close to this:

>>>>>   the_content
8   (object) WP_Embed -> run_shortcode (1) 
    (object) WP_Embed -> autoembed (1) 
10  wptexturize (1) 
    convert_smilies (1) 
    convert_chars (1) 
    wpautop (1) 
    shortcode_unautop (1) 
    prepend_attachment (1) 
11  capital_P_dangit (1) 
    do_shortcode (1) 

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