How to add code to Header.php in a child theme?

I’m creating a child theme for the first time and I had a few questions regarding code added to header.

In a non child theme there is certain code I add to my header.php file such as google analytics, google webmaster tools, buy sell ads, Facebook open graph, etc….

How do you do this in a child theme? Do you create a header.php file in your child theme? If so how is this done? Is it the same as the @import as I used on the css?



I would hook into the wp_head action. I would place this in a plugin so as to abstract it from your presentation layer. This allows for scalability and changing of themes. This also prevents any analytics collateral damage if a step is missed in migration from one theme to the next.

add_action('wp_head', 'wpse_43672_wp_head');
function wpse_43672_wp_head(){
    //Close PHP tags 
    <?php //Open PHP tags

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