How to Add ‘Post Categories’ to the Dashboard Sidebar

I’m currently working with a company to make a few basic tweeks to their WordPress site and I noticed that they have this on their sidebar:

enter image description here

I am looking particularly at the “Clients”, “Offers”, “Portfolio” and “Slider Offer” sections, I have never seen these before and believe that they have not been added with a plugin. It appears that they are post categories, as they have the same pin icon as the “Posts” section. Can anyone explain what these are, how they work and how to add them?


2 Answers

WordPress Core post types are post and page that are visible in the admin menu. Other than these can be either a registered custom post type or a menu page.

A menu page can be added with the add_menu_page() function, and a similar thing can be done using register_post_type(), where a registered post type gets its own menu item where the following arguments are true:

$args = array(
        'show_ui'   => true,
        'show_in_menu' => true

register_post_type( 'mycpt', $args );

Note that, register_post_type() is a plugin-territory function. But some themes include them into their functions.php. And in that case, it’s also possible, a parent theme didn’t include ’em, but a child theme did so into its functions.php. 🙂

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