How to build a child theme from a react-based parent theme?

I have a few years worth of experience building Child Themes in WordPress, which is generally my preferred route when developing a new website as I am not a theme developer per say.

I am now doing a couple of projects which want to leverage the WP REST API, and I am looking to use the Foxhound theme, built using React js, as a parent theme.

Beyond the page template/css overloading approach to child theme-ing, I have been trying to understand how to extend the parent theme’s default react app functionality to customise my child theme js functionality. I understand how to add custom fields to existing end-points, however, what I am not able to understand is how to load custom react components. Should I/Can I build a custom react app to load from my child theme? If so how can I ensure it executes after the parent theme app?

2 Answers

like with every other theme, there is no assurance a random theme can be used as a child theme unless it is explicitly specified that it supports child themes and provides APIs to let child themes manipulate it output. This is true even for “normal” themes, and double true for unexplored area like themes based on JS frameworks.

In other words, you will need to ask the theme author.

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