Java is a statically typed language, so the compiler does most of this checking for you. Once you declare a variable to be a certain type, the compiler will ensure that it is only ever assigned values of that type (or values that are sub-types of that type).
The examples you gave (int
, array, double
) these are all primitives, and there are no sub-types of them. Thus, if you declare a variable to be an int
You can be sure it will only ever hold int
If you declared a variable to be a List
, however, it is possible that the variable will hold sub-types of List
. Examples of these include ArrayList
, LinkedList
, etc.
If you did have a List
variable, and you needed to know if it was an ArrayList
, you could do the following:
List y;
if (y instanceof ArrayList) {
...its and ArrayList...
However, if you find yourself thinking you need to do that, you may want to rethink your approach. In most cases, if you follow object-oriented principles, you will not need to do this. There are, of course, exceptions to every rule, though.