Normally, a MySQL database can be exported and imported using these simple SSH commands:


mysqldump -u USERNAME -p DATABASE_NAME > filename.sql


mysql -u USERNAME -p DATABASE_NAME < filename.sql

But it’s not that simple when it comes to WordPress. From what I see, additional parameters need to mentioned, such as --add-drop-table for instance.

The WordPress Codex does provide some info, but it looks cluttered and not clear enough.

It would be great if someone who uses command-line can share the proper commands to export and import a WordPress database, with some explanation (of any new parameters used).

Also, are there any reasons why it wouldn’t be advisable to use command-line when dealing with database, and instead go with a GUI like phpMyAdmin?

3 s

It is that simple for WordPress too. I use the following to back up my WP sites:

mysqldump -u <user> -p<pass> --quick --extended-insert <db-name> > backup.sql

The mysqldump document gives the details on all the parameters.

--extended-insert is quicker when updating a DB from a dump file and makes the dump file smaller.

--quick makes the creation of the dump quicker.

You don’t really need to use either of those, just makes things a bit quicker and writing an insert for each row just makes me feel happier – your original dump syntax would be just fine.

Don’t forget though that there is domain-specific entries in the DB so if you are using this method to backup/restore then you are fine but if you want to move from to then you will need to edit entries in wp_options after you restore your dump.

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