How to filter archives both by category and tag?

I have an archive for each category/tag. Now I want to create a custom archive using the following URL structure:

This should show all posts that have the tag tag1 and belong to cat1 and subcat1

How can I create this archive?

1 Answer

What you are looking for is a custom search that can be created via rewrite rules. What I’m gonna do is to create a rule that adds some queries to the URL.

First, let’s define a rewrite tag so that WordPress recognizes our custom URL.

function my_rewrite_tag() {
  add_rewrite_tag('%custom-categories%', '([^&]+)');
add_action('init', 'my_rewrite_tag', 10, 0);

Now, we create a rule to redirect our data to another path.

function my_rewrite_rule() {
add_action('init', 'my_rewrite_rule', 10, 0);

So if we try and access:

we will actually be redirected to:

Which is the archive for normal post types. Now is the trick. We will alter the query if these data are set:

// We only want to do this if every data is set, so let's check for them all
if(isset($_['customCat']) && isset($_['customSubCat']) && isset($_['customTag1']) && isset($_['customTag2'])) {
    // Now alter the main query
    function photogram_include_blog_posts($query) {
        if ( !is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() && $query->is_archive() ) {
            // Set the tags
            $query->set('tag__in', array($_['customTag1'],$_['customTag2']));
            // Set the categories
            $query->set('category__in', array($_['customSubCat'],$_['customCat']));
    add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'photogram_include_blog_posts' );

So we are redirected to an archive page that runs our custom query. Done.

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