I am trying to compile some sources using a makefile. In the makefile there is a bunch of commands that need to be ran as sudo
When I compile the sources from a terminal all goes fine and the make is paused the first time a sudo
command is ran waiting for password. Once I type in the password, make resumes and completes.
But I would like to be able to compile the sources in NetBeans. So, I started a project and showed netbeans where to find the sources, but when I compile the project it gives the error:
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
The first time it hits a sudo
I have looked up the issue on the internet and all the solutions I found point to one thing: disabling the password for this user. Since the user in question here is root. I do not want to do that.
Is there any other solution?
30 s
Granting the user to use that command without prompting for password should resolve the problem. First open a shell console and type:
sudo visudo
Then edit that file to add to the very end:
username ALL = NOPASSWD: /fullpath/to/command, /fullpath/to/othercommand
john ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/poweroff, /sbin/start, /sbin/stop
will allow user john
to sudo poweroff
, start
and stop
without being prompted for password.
Look at the bottom of the screen for the keystrokes you need to use in visudo – this is not vi by the way – and exit without saving at the first sign of any problem. Health warning: corrupting this file will have serious consequences, edit with care!