How to force Media manager to overwrite files of same name?

I have a widget that works with my theme that expects images named in a certain way, slide1.png, slide2.png, etc…

However, when the user uploads their own images, named slide1.png, slide2.png, etc to the media library, rather than updating the images with the new ones, WordPress changes the names of the replacement images to slide11.png, slide22.png, etc

Can I set a filter in theme options that tells WP to overwrite existing images without changing the filenames?

2 Answers

Here is something i cooked up which was taken mainly from the plugin Overwrite Uploads but without the extra stuff

function noneUniqueFilename($overrides){
    $overrides['test_form'] = false;
    $overrides['unique_filename_callback'] = 'nonUniqueFilenameCallback';
    return $overrides;

function nonUniqueFilenameCallback($directory, $name, $extension){
    $filename = $name . strtolower($extension);
    //remove old attachment

    return $filename;

function removeOldAttach($filename){
    $arguments = array(
        'numberposts'   => -1,
        'meta_key'      => '_wp_attached_file',
        'meta_value'    => $filename,
        'post_type'     => 'attachment'
    $Attachments_to_remove = get_posts($arguments);

    foreach($Attachments_to_remove as $a)
        wp_delete_attachment($a->ID, true);

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