How to get started with Akka Streams? [closed]

The Akka Streams library already comes with quite a wealth of documentation. However, the main problem for me is that it provides too much material – I feel quite overwhelmed by the number of concepts that I have to learn. Lots of examples shown there feel very heavyweight and can’t easily be translated to real world use cases and are therefore quite esoteric. I think it gives way too much details without explaining how to build all the building blocks together and how exactly it helps to solve specific problems.

There are sources, sinks, flows, graph stages, partial graphs, materialization, a graph DSL and a lot more and I just don’t know where to start. The quick start guide is meant to be a starting place but I don’t understand it. It just throws in the concepts mentioned above without explaining them. Furthermore the code examples can’t be executed – there are missing parts which makes it more or less impossible for me to follow the text.

Can anyone explain the concepts sources, sinks, flows, graph stages, partial graphs, materialization and maybe some other things that I missed in simple words and with easy examples that don’t explain every single detail (and which are probably not needed anyway at the beginning)?

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