How to insert an Audio Player in a Post or Page?

I have a blog which I sometimes use for audio clips. I want to put an Audio Player on the frontpage of my blog.

How can I put the player after the title or make its code part of post excerpts?

3 Answers

Plugin option

When searching for a plugin, it is important to check:

  • Compatible up to, supports current WordPress version?
  • Last updated, too long ago?
  • Support, too many bug reports? Level of support in the forum or in the official plugin page.
  • Compatibility, if the plugin hasn’t been updated for a while or is not compatible with the current WP version, check the previous WordPress versions. Sometimes the plugin is not updated because it simply works.

Do it yourself

You are in control of what happens and when it happens.

Here I’m creating a function that will print a Html5 Audio Tag based on two audio files uploaded to any post or page -one mp3 and one ogg.

Reference tutorials: [one] and [two]

In the theme template files (single.php, page.php, etc), put the function print_audio_attachments_as_html5 like this:

<header class="entry-header">
    <h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
<?php print_audio_attachments_as_html5( $post->ID ); ?>
<div class="entry-content">
    <?php the_content(); ?>

Note that the function is placed inside The Loop, so $post->ID is available.

Put the following function at the end of your theme functions file
check the comments in the code

function print_audio_attachments_as_html5( $post_id )
    // Parameters for our search
    $args_mp3 = array(   
        'post_parent'       => $post_id,
        'post_type'         => 'attachment',
        'numberposts'       => 1, // only one file
        'post_mime_type'    => 'audio/mpeg', // Mp3 audio mime type
    $args_ogg = array(   
        'post_parent'       => $post_id,
        'post_type'         => 'attachment',
        'numberposts'       => 1,
        'post_mime_type'    => 'audio/ogg', // Firefox does not supports Mp3

    // Get audio files
    $mp3 = get_children( $args_mp3 );
    $ogg = get_children( $args_ogg );
    // If there's any result in one of the get_children, execute code
    if( $mp3 || $ogg )
        // Start Audio tag
        echo '<audio loop="loop" autoplay="autoplay" controls="controls">';
        // Mp3 source
        if( $mp3 ) {
            $id   = array_pop( array_keys( $mp3 ) );
            $mp3_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $id ); 
            echo '<source src="' . $mp3_url . '" />';

        // Ogg source
        if( $ogg ) {
            $id   = array_pop( array_keys( $ogg ) );
            $ogg_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $id ); 
            echo '<source src="' . $ogg_url . '" />';
        // Close Audio tag
        echo '</audio>';

Related Q&A

  • How to add audio files to wordpress blog and making it auto play?

Useful info

  • Creating a WordPress shortcode
  • Where to put my code: plugin or functions.php?
  • Create a Functionality Plugin Instead of Using Functions.php

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