How to output something in PowerShell

I am running a PowerShell script from within a batch file. The script fetches a web page and checks whether the page’s content is the string “OK”.

The PowerShell script returns an error level to the batch script.

The batch script is executed by ScriptFTP, an FTP automation program. If an error occurs, I can have ScriptFTP send the full console output to the administrator via E-Mail.

In the PowerShell script, I would like to output the return value from the web site if it is not “OK”, so the error message gets included in the console output, and thus in the status mail.

I am new to PowerShell and not sure which output function to use for this. I can see three:

  • Write-Host
  • Write-Output
  • Write-Error

What would be the right thing to use to write to the Windows equivalent of stdout?

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