How to reorder meta box position?

I have a custom post type which have a lot of custom field that categories in meta box. The problem is how do I sorting the meta box in the order that I desired?

As I know there is only ‘high’,’core’,’normal’ and ‘side’ for positioning the meta box, which is not a practical way to sorting the meta box. Let’s say if I set ‘high’ position for two meta boxes, how do I know which one is on the top??


2 s

Users can drag and drop meta boxes and WordPress will save the order. So, in a sense, the order in which they were originally rendered does not matter.

You know which one comes first because when you call add_meta_box it simply pushes your meta box’s args onto a global array called $wp_meta_boxes. Whichever call to add_meta_box came first will be the first meta box.

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