I am trying to run a hello world program written in javascript in a separate file named hello.js
Currently running windows version of node.js.
The code runs perfectly in console window but how do I reference the path in windows environment.
in Unix I guess it is showing $ node hello.js
I’m absolutely new to Node.js Please correct me if I am doing something wrong.
I tried
> node C:\abc\zyx\hello.js
—-didn’t work
> C:\abc\zyx\hello.js
–didn’t work
Added node.exe to the folder where hello.js file is sitting.
Added path point to the folder c:\abc\zyx\ and I get an error that says
ReferenceError: hello is not defined
see contents of hello.js
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
So far I have tried all these version and none of them seems to work. May be I am doing something completely wrong.
>node hello.js
>$ node hello.js
>node.exe hello.js
>node /hello.js
>node \hello.js
> \node \hello.js
> /node /hello.js
> C:\abc\xyz\node.exe C:\abc\xyz\hello.js
> C:\abc\xyz\node.exe C:/abc/xyz/hello.js
> hello.js
> /hello.js
> \hello.js
>node hello
Refer to my file structure
├── hello.js
├── node.exe
└── paths.txt
Instead of running node.exe, try running in command prompt with the following option and it worked.
c:\>node c:\abc\hello.js
World! (after 2 secs)