How to slow down server response

I’ve been trying a few methods to slow the loading of my WordPresss installation by x seconds but I’ve had problems which each try:

  • Javascript sleep() does the job but my hoster emailed me saying my website was using too much CPU and would be suspended if I didn’t remove the code
  • jQuery hide()/show() on body/html does the trick, but the page flashes before disappearing, which is not my intended behavior.

The ideal solution would:

  • not rely on Javascript but be PHP/Wordpress-side.
  • be a pluggable functions.php code
  • not show for a split second the page before making it disappear
  • be invisible to the user (the whole point ot this thing is the test-user not knowing the amount of seconds, so JS code kinds of defeat the purpose being public)

Thanks for any help!

1 Answer

I don´t know why you would want to slow your website down, but PHP got sleep() which pauses a program for the amount of seconds you pass to it.

You could then hook your function/plugin to init to halt your WordPress before it starts its output.

That could probably do what you want. But why?

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