How to store foreign language characters in WordPress? [closed]

I am building a membership site in WordPress. I have added a Notes functionality on my site where each unique user can login to the site and enter notes specific to each lesson/post. I am storing these notes in a custom table in db.

The user can enter the notes in any preferred language rather than just using English language for entering Notes. Now, the problem is notes are not getting stored properly in db if the user enters it in some other language. For example, if the user enters some characters in Russian language, it gets converted into this form

%u0414%u0440%u0435%u0432%u043D%u0435%u0440%u0443%u0441%u0441%u043A%u0438%u0439 %u043B%u0438%u0442%u0435%u0440%u0430%u0442%u0443%u0440%u043D%u044B%u0439 %u044F%u0437%u044B%u043A %u0438 %u0435%u0433%u043E

I am using the following query for inserting the data in the custom table:

    $wpdb->insert( 'wp_notes', array( 'userid' => $_POST['userid'], 'postid' => $_POST['postid'], 'note' => ''. stripslashes($_POST['notes']) .'', 'title' => ''. stripslashes($_POST['title']) .'' ),  array( '%d', '%d','%s','%s' ) );

I am already using a meta tag for charset utf-8 and my db is also set to utf8_general_ci Collation.

Any help will be appreciated.


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