How to switch css files according to devices and button click?

I am trying to enqueue a responsive css file if the website is opened on mobile devices.

Also I want to switch / enqueue a default or non-responsive css file when a button is clicked.
The non-responsive css file is the default style sheet which is loaded on desktop.

So the requirements are:

  1. By default a non-responsive site should be loaded if the user from
  2. By default a responsive site should be loaded if the user from
  3. If the user clicks a desktop switching button from mobile
    (responsive) site, the non-responsive site should be loaded in the
  4. If the user clicks a mobile switching button from mobile
    (non-responsive) site, the responsive site should be loaded.

I have style.css (non-responsive css file) into my theme directory and my responsive css file is in a folder which is into the theme directory.

  • non-responsive css is file in : theme-directory/style.css
  • responsive css is file in : theme-directory/css/responsive.css

And I have following buttons.

<div class="cr-athavan-lang-image">
    <a href="" class="mobile_site" id="mobile_site"><img src="file/path/to/img" alt="switch to mobile site"></a>
    <a href="?site=desktop" class="desktop_site"><img src="file/path/to/img" alt="switch to desktop site"></a>  

I have added following code into my functions.php

A. To load responsive site if the user from mobile:

 if ( wp_is_mobile() ){
        function responsive_css(){
                get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/responsive.css'
        add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'responsive_css', 999 );

B. To load the non-responsive site if the user clicks the button

function switch_css_file(){
    if ($site == 'desktop'){
        function default_css(){
                get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css'
        add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'default_css', 999 );
    if ($site == 'mobile'){
        function default_css(){
                get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/responsive.css'
        add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'default_css', 999 );
add_action('init', 'switch_css_file', 2);

Now requirement 1 and 2 are ok.

  1. By default a non-responsive site is loaded if the user from desktop
  2. By default a responsive site is loaded if the user from mobile

I am not sure the function switch_css_file works or NOT.
3rd and 4th requirements are not achieved yet.
If I click the desktop_site button from the mobile the site is reloaded and still it’s in responsive version.

How can I achieve 3rd & 4th requirement?

Also I think I have to set cookie during the switching.
A cookie need to be set when the desktop_site button is clicked and should be unset when the mobile_site is clicked.

How can I do this?

1 Answer


if (($site == 'desktop'){ // code line }


if (($site == 'desktop') && (wp_is_mobile())) { // code line }

and for unset the cookie while the browser is closed give the time as 0 (zero) or blank.
some thing like this.

setcookie( 'button_clicked', $_GET['button_clicked'], 0, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN);

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