Image with description side by side

I’m making a personal website for a client and I want it to be easy to edit. I’m trying to replicate the data the client had on a previous personal website made in pure html, and it looks like the image below:

Image with description side by side

I want to add an image with a description about it side by side preferably on a box like that. I tried just adding a shortcode from the “Ultimate shortcodes” plugin so that I can put the image on a column taking half of the screen and the text on the other column taking the other half of the screen like that:

Image and description on columns

But there isn’t a very defined relation between the elements, they look like they’re just floating there, and it’s hard to edit as every time you want to add such “component” you actually have to add three shortcodes and then insert the image and the text.

Using the built-in image caption doesn’t work either, as the caption goes only and directly below the image and doesn’t expand with the text.

So, my question is: how can I add a way for the end user to just add the image and a description so that it’ll show the description on the side of the image? Is there a plugin that does that or can I add a custom css to make the image caption go to the right and expand with the text?

1 Answer

Yes, I think this is a great, fundamental question of WordPress editing and content creation by low-level users who are met with the big blank editing area and don’t know how to wrangle html. There are myriad answers: hardcore coding, softcore coding, plugins and everything in-between.

The answer for me is Advanced Custom Fields. I know I’ll be shouted down here since you aren’t meant to answer questions with a plugin solution (yes, that’s totally odd – who has ever used WordPress without a plugin? It even comes shipped with two – one useful and one stupid). Anyway, as far as I’m concerned ACF is core WordPress.

Take a look here for an example for exactly what you’re talking about (the video in particular shows how it works).

Jump on board and enjoy WordPress at the next level. For you and for your clients.

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