In SQL, what’s the difference between count(column) and count(*)?

I have the following query:

select column_name, count(column_name)
from table
group by column_name
having count(column_name) > 1;

What would be the difference if I replaced all calls to count(column_name) to count(*)?

This question was inspired by How do I find duplicate values in a table in Oracle?.

To clarify the accepted answer (and maybe my question), replacing count(column_name) with count(*) would return an extra row in the result that contains a null and the count of null values in the column.

Best Answers

count(*) counts NULLs and count(column) does not

[edit] added this code so that people can run it

create table #bla(id int,id2 int)
insert #bla values(null,null)
insert #bla values(1,null)
insert #bla values(null,1)
insert #bla values(1,null)
insert #bla values(null,1)
insert #bla values(1,null)
insert #bla values(null,null)

select count(*),count(id),count(id2)
from #bla

results 7 3 2

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