Over the last few years F# has evolved into one of Microsoft’s fully supported languages employing many ideas incubated in OCaml, ML and Haskell.
Over the last several years C# has extended its general purpose features by introducing more and more functional language features: LINQ (list comprehension), Lambdas, Closures, Anonymous Delegates and more…
Given C#’s adoption of these functional features and F#’s taxonomy as an impure functional language (it allows YOU to access framework libraries or change shared state when a function is called if you want to) there is a strong similarity between the two languages although each has its own polar opposite primary emphasis.
I’m interested in any successful models employing these two languages in your production polyglot programs and also the areas within production software (web apps, client apps, server apps) you have written in F# in the past year or so that you would previously have written in C#.