Include an SVG (hosted on GitHub) in MarkDown

I know that an image can be placed in an MD with the MD syntax of either ![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg) or ![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title"), but I am having difficulty placing an SVG in MD where the code is hosted on GitHub.

Ultimately using rails3, and changing the model frequently right now, so I am using RailRoady to generate an SVG of the schema diagram of the models. I would like for that SVG to then be placed in the, and be displayed. When I open the SVG file locally, it does work, so how do I get the browser to render the SVG in the MD file? Given that the code will be dynamic until it is finalized (seemingly never), hosting the SVG in a separate place seems overkill and that I am missing an approach to accomplish this.

The SVG I am trying to include is here on GitHub:

I have tried the following, with an actual image as well to verify the syntax is working, just that the SVG code isn’t being rendered:

[1]:  "Overview"

<img src="">

![Alt text](

[Google Doc]( :

<img src="">

<img src="">

<img src="">

to get the results of:

1: “Overview”

Alt text

Google Doc :

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