Is is possible to crop an image after uploading

I’m trying to build a plugin, and part of it requires to upload (or choose an already uploaded one) an image, and when it’s done uploading to crop it (a bit like how you change a header image in the WP_Customizer).

I currently have this code code:


<div class="imagearea">
    <div class="noimage">
        <a class="select-image button button-primary button-large">Selecteer een foto</a>


jQuery(document).ready(function (){
jQuery(".select-image").click(function() {
  var custom_uploader ={
      title: 'Selecteer een afbeelding',
      button: {
        text: 'Selecteer'
      multiple: false
    .on('select', function() {
      var cropper = wp.cropper().open();

But I then get the error: Uncaught ReferenceError: wp.cropper is not defined

It seems like wp.cropper is not the correct name, while /wp-includes/crop/cropper.js does seem to suggest that on line 39. I’ve also tried some variations of the name (wp.Cropper, WP.cropper, Cropper, etc…)

I’m on WordPress 4.4

1 Answer

Untested, but I believe this should work:

jQuery(document).ready(function (){
    jQuery(".select-image").click(function() {
        var custom_uploader ={
            title: 'Selecteer een afbeelding',
            button: {
                text: 'Selecteer'
            multiple: false
        custom_uploader.on('select', function() {

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