It took me great time today to convert one site from to from WordPress multiste installation to normal WordPress installation (read: singlesite).

Since I started using wp-cli recently I thought it will be possible to do it only with wp-cli.

I used wp-cli to export a database. Since my instance was prefixed as: wp_9_

I used the code like this:

wp db export --tables="wp_users, wp_usermeta, wp_9_posts, wp_9_comments, wp_9_links, wp_9_options, wp_9_postmeta, wp_9_terms, wp_9_term_taxonomy, wp_9_term_relationships, wp_9_termmeta, wp_9_commentmeta" 

While I later found I should use something like this:

wp db export --tables=wp_users,wp_usermeta, $(wp db tables --all-tables-with-prefix 'wp_9' --format=csv --allow-root) --allow-root

For those not using the #

wp db export --tables=wp_users,wp_usermeta, $(wp db tables --all-tables-with-prefix 'wp_9' --format=csv) 

Then I set:


But I faced the problem: posts, guids, and meta not updated…
Usually I never do the next step since it just works in numerous instances.

But I was forced to do the following:

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '');
UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, '', '');
UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value,'', '');

Even further, I needed to update the uploads path, in the post content and even in the post_meta, since on mulitsite the uploads path was /uploads/sites/9/ while on a single site only /uploads/.

This should also reflect in the posts and post meta like this:

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '/uploads/sites/9/', '/uploads/');
UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value,'/uploads/sites/9/', '/uploads/');

After this step, I manually copied files from /uploads/sites/9/ folder to the /uploads/ folder of the new WordPress instance on the same server using the cp command. Sadly, I haven’t even considered wp-cli for that.

I am asking is it possible to automate this processes entirely using wp-cli?
It would be a great helper next time.

3 Answers

Try using the 10up/MU-Migration command:

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