Is there a replacement for unistd.h for Windows (Visual C)?

I’m porting a relatively simple console program written for Unix to the Windows platform (Visual C++ 8.0). All the source files include “unistd.h”, which doesn’t exist. Removing it, I get complaints about misssing prototypes for ‘srandom’, ‘random’, and ‘getopt’.
I know I can replace the random functions, and I’m pretty sure I can find/hack-up a getopt implementation.

But I’m sure others have run into the same challenge.
My question is: is there a port of “unistd.h” to Windows? At least one containg those functions which do have a native Windows implementation – I don’t need pipes or forking.


I know I can create my very own “unistd.h” which contains replacements for the things I need – especially in this case, since it is a limited set. But since it seems like a common problem, I was wondering if someone had done the work already for a bigger subset of the functionality.

Switching to a different compiler or environment isn’t possible at work – I’m stuck with Visual Studio.

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