Isolating WordPress to a subfolder

I’m trying to isolate a wordpress installation on our site to a specific subfolder. I created a folder on our root site named _wp and placed all the wordpress files in there. I added the following rewrite rules to the htaccess in our root folder to allow permalinks within the wordpress installation to work properly.

# WordPress
RewriteBase /_wp/
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /_wp/index.php [L]

This allowed permalinks within the subfolder to work, but it is also allowing requests for files outside the _wp folder to forward to the wordpress site. For example, the following page on my wordpress site:

can also be accessed by the following URL:

I don’t want this to happen. I want to isolate all access to the wordpress site by requiring the _wp prefix. Does anybody know how I would modify the htaccess above to allow this?

1 Answer

If you want your WP site to function completely in subfolder, just set it up there as usual (including .htaccess) and do not add any directives to the root.

Setup of .htaccess in root, while WP is in subfolder, is only necessary if you want to have core files (and so admin area) there, but have site itself be root-based. As per Giving WordPress Its Own Directory instructions in Codex.

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