java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to introspect Class

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

This error message means that the jar containing this class is not on the application classpath.

Add spring-data-elasticsearch jar to it, and your error should be gone.

if you are using maven, add the jar to the classpath this way :


The version that you should use depends on the version of elastic search you are connecting to :

| Spring Data  | Spring Data Elasticsearch  | Elasticsearch  | Spring Boot |
| 2020.0.0     | 4.1.x                      |          7.9.3 | 2.3.x       |
| Neumann      | 4.0.x                      |          7.6.2 | 2.3.x       |
| Moore        | 3.2.x                      |          6.8.4 | 2.2.x       |
| Lovelace     | 3.1.x                      |          6.2.2 | 2.1.x       |
| Kay          | 3.0.x                      |          5.5.0 | 2.0.x       |
| Ingalls      | 2.1.x                      |          2.4.0 | 1.5.x       |

(source : )

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