I am having a problem with calling a method that is in a different class. This main
method is in a class on its own called lab14
, and the heapSort()
method is in a different class called HeapSort
. Both of these classes are in the default package. I am getting the error “The method heapSort(Vector) is undefined for the type Lab14” and I don’t understand why, please help.
below is the main method in the lab 14 class
public static void main(String args[]) {
Heap myheap = new Heap();
Vector<StudentGPA> vec = new Vector();
int [] br = new int[20];
double [] dr = new double[20];
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
try {
//String inputLine; //stores each line from the file
Scanner scanLine;
Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("students.in"));
while (input.hasNextLine()){
scanLine = new Scanner(input.nextLine());
int id = scanLine.nextInt();
//br[i] = id;
String name = scanLine.next();
double gpa = scanLine.nextDouble();
//dr[i]= gpa;
String advisor = scanLine.next();
GraduateStudentGPA grad = new GraduateStudentGPA(id,name,gpa,advisor);
StudentGPA reg = new StudentGPA(id,name,gpa);
catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("IOException in reading input file!!!"+e);
Below is the code for the HeapSort class
public class HeapSort <E extends Comparable<? super E>>{
/** sorts the input vector using heap Sort <ul> <li> iterates
* through each element of the input vector and inserts each
* element to the heap by calling {\tt heapInsert}. <li> deletes
* each of the inserted items by calling {\tt heapDelete} the
* appropriate number of times, and fills up the vector with the
* returned elements. </ul> If you are using the
* minheap implementation, this insertion and deletion of all
* items will produce a list of items sorted by their key
* attribute values.
* @param vec input vector
public void heapSort(Vector<StudentGPA> vec){
// -- TO COMPLETE --
Heap myheap = new Heap<E>();
for(int i = 0; i <vec.size(); i++)
for(int i = 0; i <vec.size(); i++)
vec.setElementAt((StudentGPA) myheap.heapDelete(), i);