Keep file in a Git repo, but don’t track changes

I have several files in a CodeIgniter site that I will want to have in the repo but not track any changes on.

For example, I deploy a new installation of this framework to a new client, I want the following files to be downloaded (they have default values CHANGEME) and I just have to make changes specific to this client (database credentials, email address info, custom CSS).

// the production config files i want the files but they need to be updated to specific client needs
// index page, defines the environment (production|development)
// all of the css/js cache (keep the folder but not the contents)
// production user based styling (color, fonts etc) needs to be updated specific to client needs

Currently if I run

git clone [email protected]:user123/myRepo.git httpdocs

and then edit the files above, all is great. Until I release a hotfix or patch and run git pull. All of my changes are then overwritten.

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