Possible Duplicate:
How to load wp_editor() through AJAX/jQuery
There are several questions about this (like this, or that), but none of them provides a solution to me.
The situation:
I have a metabox. Inside this metabox I want to dynamically add tinyMCE editors.
The code:
add_action('wp_ajax_insert_tinymce', 'insert_tinymce');
function insert_tinymce(){
action : 'insert_tinymce'
function(response) {
console.log(tinyMCE); // no instance of 'editor-id'
console.log(tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit); // 'editor-id' not listed
console.log(tinyMCE.activeEditor); // null
The result is a editor window (with html and visual tabs), a upload button and a textarea but completly without buttons.
What I tried (as suggested in the other questions):
// In the response function
skin : "wp_theme",
mode : "exact",
elements : "editor-id",
theme: "advanced"
// In the response function
// in the PHP
wp_editor( '', 'editor-id' );
echo ob_get_clean();
This first one works, but I would have to set many settings manually, plus my custom buttons don’t show up.
The second one obviously doesn’t work, because there is no editor-id listed in tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit
The third one (output buffering) makes no difference.
I have noticed that wp_editor() adds the tinyMCE instances to tinyMCEPreInit and adds it via admin_print_footer_scripts hook. So I would have to dynamically update tinyMCEPreInit (without losing the instance of the main editor) and then fire tinyMCE.init(tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit['editor-id']) – MAYBE
Any help highly appreciated 😉
1 Answer 1
your post here helped me figure a solution. Along with the mceInit property, I also had to retrieve the qtInit that wp_editor generates as well.
The following is the relevant code within my class. Basically I have wp_editor run so that the javascript is generated. I use hooks to retrieve the javascript, so that I can echo it out in the ajax response.