Restrict file uploads by extension?

Is there a way in WordPress 3.1 to restrict allowed file uploads by extension (images only) and file size? Bonus question: Can I limit users to only be able view files they have uploaded themselves? 1 Answer 1 I believe you can add a filter to upload_mimes to restrict to certain types. The hook: … Read more

wp_editor on input changes content

I have a text area using wp_editor On first input it works great. Save via text or visual it saves to mysql just fine this is what is in the text area before I save <a href=””><img class=”alignleft size-medium wp-image-555″ alt=”Drag Multi Leaf” src=”/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Multi_Leaf_2098-199×300.jpg” width=”199″ height=”300″ /></a>Designed with a low arch, which promotes weight transfer … Read more

in network setup super admin has the tinyMCE buttons and the regular admin has not

in mine network setup, the super admin has the ability to see the tinyMCE editing buttons in the option page, but when i switch to a regular adimin, i can see only the HTML editing buttons (the “rich text”). what can be the reason for that? i can find any thing in the functions.php that … Read more

Link button is not working while editing a post in Firefox [closed]

It’s difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center. Closed 9 years ago. One of our admins started experiencing a weird … Read more

WordPress editor strips out anchor tags when they appear on their own line

In the text below, when I toggle the WYSIWYG view from Visual to Text, the anchors are left intact. However, when I switch back to Visual, the anchors are replaced with &nbsp; elements. This is the initial content markup in the WordPress editor (via Chrome inspector): <body id=”tinymce” class=”mceContentBody content post-type-post post-status-publish post-format-standard wp-editor” onload=”window.parent.tinyMCE.get(‘content’).onLoad.dispatch();” … Read more