Make jQuery library load before plugin files

I am using a few jQuery plugins such as validate.js, but they all load BEFORE the Jquery library which is loaded automatically by WordPress and my theme.

I need the plugins to load after – so is there a way to make Jquery load first in functions.php – so that I can use it frontend and admin.

I am currently loading the following in functions.php

get_bloginfo('template_url') ."/js/jquery.validate.min.js");

get_bloginfo('template_url') ."/js/scripts.js");

Any help, massively appreciated!


If you look at the wp_enqueue_script Codex Documentation, you’ll see one of the options is $deps, this would mean that your script is dependent upon another script, simply add jquery as a dependancy and your scripts will load in the correct place.

If you set a handle for the other scripts you can use them as a dependent as well.


    get_bloginfo('template_url') . '/path/script.js', 
    array( 'jquery' ) 

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