I am trying to customize the admin area using the functions.php file to make things easier for my clients. One request I have got before and hope to be able to accomplish, is to move some of the sub menus into the main navigation.

For instance I would like to make Widgets and Menus appear in the main navigation as opposed to being a submenu for Appearances. I would then end up removing the Appearances tab all together.

I have been able to remove the tab but unable to make the new buttons for Widgets and Menus. Even if I can get help of not technically moving them but instead creating a new button and setting the link myself (ex. for Menus -> /nav-menus.php).

Is any of that possible?


6 Answers

OK, it’s a bit messy, but it works. Take a look

function remove_submenus() {
  global $submenu;
  unset($submenu['themes.php'][10]); // Removes Menu  
add_action('admin_menu', 'remove_submenus');

function new_nav_menu () {
    global $menu;
    $menu[99] = array('', 'read', 'separator', '', 'menu-top menu-nav');
    add_menu_page(__('Nav Menus', 'mav-menus'), __('Nav Menus', 'nav-menus'), 'edit_themes', 'nav-menus.php', '', 99);
add_action('admin_menu', 'new_nav_menu');

Essentially it is removing the nav menu settings from the Appearance sub-panel, then re-adding it as a top level page (similar to a plugin). You can set an icon URL in there as well. The only part I can’t get working the way I want is the positioning.

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